D2 ZhongくんのAu25クラスターの配位子置換の論文がJournal of Physical Chemistry Cにアクセプトされました。
D2 ZhongくんのAu25クラスターの配位子置換の論文がJournal of Physical Chemistry Cにアクセプトされました。おめでとうございます。
Zhong Huang, Yohei Ishida, Kunihiro Narita, and Tetsu Yonezawa
“Kinetics of Cationic-Ligand-Exchange Reactions in Au25 Nanoclusters”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, in press.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b05371 (Published (web) 13 July 2018)
Abstract: Herein, we report the first investigation into the kinetics of cationic-ligand-exchange processes through the reaction of Au25(SCH2CH2Ph)18 with a cationic thiol HS(CH2)11N(CH3)3+, which resulted in different populations of the two thiolate ligands (SR0 and SR+), i.e., Au25(SR0)18-x(SR+)x. The ligand-exchange process was monitored by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and the reaction kinetics is discussed in combination with 1H-NMR results; these techniques reveal that the kinetics of the cationic-ligand-exchange process, which is different from a typical neutral-thiol-to-neutral-thiol ligand exchange, is strongly dependent on how the SR+ ligands interact with each other during the ligand-exchange process. There are two main factors that determine the unique reaction kinetics, namely coulombic repulsions (i) between the attached SR+ ligands and free ligands in solution that hinder further ligand exchange, and (ii) among the surface SR+ ligands on the thiolate monolayer, which promotes the thermal decomposition of the nanocluster.